Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Falling off the pre-diet wagon? Or not?

So life has gotten crazy and I haven't posted for a week.  Things got very stressful at work and I got overwhelmed which led to shutting down and vegging out in the little free time I do have.  I want to reflect on this because this is so often what happens to me.  I start a new diet or some kind of self improvement project and then "something happens" and it derails all my plans and I fall away from what I want to be doing.  This is where I really feel that the "pre-contemplation" idea rears its ugly head in my experience.  I don't have the level of commitment that I need.

However, by posting those last two posts I did notice something start to shift.   For some reason my cravings for junk food and desire to overeat has dropped off a bit.  I think that's because by being honest about why I wasn't wanting to diet I feel like I took a bit of pressure off myself.  I took away some of the power of the voice that says, "Everything must change tomorrow and this is your last night at the food party, so eat up!"  Instead I gave that another voice, the one that says, "I'm going to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and you can't stop me (insert foot stamping here)," some space to air out concerns.  I need to find a way to address these concerns so that my level of interest in dieting stays high and my level of commitment is somewhat sustainable.


  1. I think a lot of dieting is replacing old eating habits with a new ones. Maybe you'll find that over time when you have a craving you start a blog post instead, save it as a draft and go back to it each time you have the craving. Of course, you'd have to be enjoying writing your posts otherwise, it won't work. But I like reading your posts - hope you keep it up!

  2. Really enjoy reading your posts. Keeps me rethinking my steps on the path to healthier eating habits. Keep going!!

  3. Have you read Ganeen Roth's Women, Food & God. Think you might enjoy her food rules. I am starting fresh as well.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I loved "Women, Food and God." THe only problem was that I have found it difficult to convince my inner rebel that these aren't "RULES" to rebel against as well.

  5. Am enjoying your posts, it's comforting to know I'm not the only one who struggles with making good food choices! Getting better at it but it's a slow process.
